And we’re finished. With our Player Profile interview series, that is. Plenty more Magic greatness coming from us in the next few weeks, and beyond! Jan and Jon talk about Jan’s beginnings, important decks from the last few years, and what it’s like to have 3 letter names. (Note: they might not actually talk about […]

And we’re finished. With our Player Profile interview series, that is. Plenty more Magic greatness coming from us in the next few weeks, and beyond! Jan and Jon talk about Jan’s beginnings, important decks from the last few years, and what it’s like to have 3 letter names. (Note: they might not actually talk about that last thing.)

ALSO! As of this episode we’re on iTunes! Go find us there, download all the episodes you may have missed, rate, and review us.

Featured in this episode:

Jon Sutton – Really wishes he’d been playing tournament Magic during the Caw Blade days.

Jan Miranda – Yet another host with a history of Caw Blade, but plays more than control these days.