Previous Episode: Session 64
Next Episode: Session 66

Audio Link Welcome back brave voyagers of Galaxy 666! Less than a month away from journey’s end–and what a journey it has been.  My goal today is to ensure all of the local fan clubs that have sprung up worldwide based on this tremendous book and podcast are synchronized for their end-of-podcast parties.  If we […]

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Welcome back brave voyagers of Galaxy 666!

Less than a month away from journey’s end–and what a journey it has been.  My goal today is to ensure all of the local fan clubs that have sprung up worldwide based on this tremendous book and podcast are synchronized for their end-of-podcast parties.  If we put too much strain on the catering staff of the world, things could get ugly.  After all, odd as it may seem, we are not the only game in town.  There are still a few weddings and bar mitzvahs out there.

So, ensure you have properly reserved the restaurant, concert hall or stadium of your choice by now.  Ensure invitations have gone out so people don’t have to change plans at the last minute–they hate that.  Make sure the food is all set to go–perhaps sushi or maybe pretzel based fare.  I won’t be to prescriptive, but if the food centers on chives, brother, you went the wrong way.

Don’t let me detain you, you have much to plan and prepare!