Next Episode: Session 64

Audio Link Eight sessions left fellow travelers! We are ticking down quickly and so we are working fast to ensure we don’t loose the moment. Plans have started to move forward to create a memorial park and Galaxy 666 Podcast visitors center to ensure that this fabulous journey through 1963 pulp sci-fi will not be […]

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Eight sessions left fellow travelers!

We are ticking down quickly and so we are working fast to ensure we don’t loose the moment. Plans have started to move forward to create a memorial park and Galaxy 666 Podcast visitors center to ensure that this fabulous journey through 1963 pulp sci-fi will not be forgotten.  I know many of you are saying, “Jack, why did you wait so long to start on the visitor center; that should have been a no-brainer.”  I know, I know, and I have no excuse to offer.  I thought it was more important to conclude the deals for the Madam Tussauds wax figure exhibition at the time, and I admit this one fell off the radar.

But fear not my trusty friends, it is all well in hand now.  We have narrowed the possible locations down to three:  Stillborn, Massachusetts; Chlamydia, Mississippi; or Carson City, Hawaii.  The first city to remove their legal injunctions against the development will be the lucky future home of this dead-cert of a tourist draw.

But until then, let us spend our off-duty time floating with the other jetsam in Galaxy 666.

Your Faithful Guide TEWG