Podscallions, Another week another cast… podcast that is… not a new cast for like a sitcom or something… Whateva. If you listened to last week then you’re up to speed but if you didn’t then A CURSE ON BOTH YOUR HOUSES!! Nah but really I’m not gonna tell you, you’ll just have go listen… bitches. […]


Another week another cast… podcast that is… not a new cast for like a sitcom or something… Whateva. If you listened to last week then you’re up to speed but if you didn’t then A CURSE ON BOTH YOUR HOUSES!! Nah but really I’m not gonna tell you, you’ll just have go listen… bitches. Lets not dwell on the uninitiated masses and rejoice in podcast splendor with…

Movies!! Part DOS


p.s. this is the second time I’ve published this blog, but for some reason the RSS got screwy and it wasn’t connecting the mp3 to feedburner and in turn to iTunes. So lets hope this one does work… fingers crossed.