Hey everyone! Here are the links I promised.  Rebecca Sealfon: the 1997 Spelling Bee winner. Pete’s Life Tips links!!! Watch this video on How to keep your disposable razor sharp. And pick you up some Fresh Balls to keep swamp-ass away! It works like a mo-fo. And now, click the player below and welcome our newest guest to the […]

Hey everyone! Here are the links I promised.  Rebecca Sealfon: the 1997 Spelling Bee winner. Pete’s Life Tips links!!! Watch this video on How to keep your disposable razor sharp. And pick you up some Fresh Balls to keep swamp-ass away! It works like a mo-fo. And now, click the player below and welcome our newest guest to the podcast…ladies and gentlemen…please welcome: T-DOG!!!  [audio http://archive.org/download/Final_20130329/final.mp3]