Hear Sadie's story of starting a US-made clothing label from the ground up, and how and why labels like hers can thrive.

Sadie Roberts and her partner started their label, Tradlands, without a lot of money or experience. They produce menswear-inspired shirting for women, and they believe strongly in what they make and how they serve their customers. But starting a US-made fashion label isn’t easy.

In this episode, Sadie shares how she got through some harrowing moments, why she didn’t quit, and what she’d recommend to other aspiring designers.

"I’m really comfortable saying, we had no idea what we were doing." – Sadie Roberts

Links and Resources

Links from this episode:

Tradlands, Sadie and Jeremy’s label

Sadie wanted to let you know that if you have any questions about starting a small fashion label, she would be happy to help. You can find her email address at the end of the episode (I don’t want to expose her to spam by putting it on the web).
