Another season of Rampage hockey has concluded, meaning another season of Running With the Herd Live comes to a close as well. We look back on a pretty frustrating season and an even more frustrating affiliation with the Colorado Avalanche. We hand out our annual season ending awards known as “The Herdies” and we…


Another season of Rampage hockey has concluded, meaning another season of Running With the Herd Live comes to a close as well. We look back on a pretty frustrating season and an even more frustrating affiliation with the Colorado Avalanche. We hand out our annual season ending awards known as “The Herdies” and we re-visit our preseason predictions to see how wrong we were and come to a realization that maybe this season wasn’t a complete waste.


Summer vacation is quickly approaching. We will return for our annual mid-summer show sometime in July. Until then, keep your internet tuned into for all Rampage related news. We need a coach, we need some draft picks, and we need some free agents. We will be pretty busy this summer and we will have it all here for your viewing pleasure.