As an entrepreneur or a business leader, then you know how critical it is to follow up with the people you connect with as well as new potential clients. The same is true for your podcast guests. Believe it or not, following up with your podcast guest is a crucial element that can significantly affect your show.


Today, I share why you should always follow up with the guests you feature, and interview on your podcast. I explain why it’s important to ask your guests to share their interview with their social media followers and email subscribers and how it can impact not only your episode downloads but also help your guest connect with their audience on a different level. I also discuss a simple strategy you can use to motivate your guests to share their episodes with their network.




“When you’re following up with your guest, it’s okay to ask them to help you promote your episode.”



This week on Podcast Rockstars: Why it’s important to follow up with your guests One of the best ways to build the support of your audience Why getting great guests on your show is only half the battle What to do if you’re struggling to find guests on your show How to let your guests know the episode is live An effective way to build and maintain a relationship with your podcast guest How the guests on your show can stay top of mind with their audience Crucial elements to include in your follow-up email How to make it super easy for your guests to share your episode



Rockstar Resource: Episode 8: 4 Creative Strategies to Find New Guests for Your Podcast



Grab Your FREE Podcast Guest Follow-Up Email Template!


Not sure what to include in the follow-up email to your podcast guests? No worries! Grab our free Podcast Guest Follow-Up Email Template and make the process of following up with your amazing guest's easy peasy.


This free template is designed to help you simplify the process of following up with your rockstar podcast guests and encourage them to share their episodes with their social media followers and email subscribers.


So if you’re ready to truly leverage the power of interviewing rockstar podcast guests - and ready to reap the reward when they share their episode - click here to grab your free template!




Become a Podcast Rockstar!


Thanks for tuning into Podcast Rockstars - the show that helps business leaders become podcast legends. If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe on iTunes and leave your honest review. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn and share your favorite episodes!


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And don’t forget to join our mailing list to learn what it takes to create great show notes for your podcast as well as receive updates on our latest episodes, blog posts, and other rockin’ content!

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