There is a saying that goes, “Try and try until you succeed.” Many podcasters have tried various approaches and executed different strategies in their podcasting journey. If you are new to podcasting, an aspiring podcaster, or a solopreneur who wants to create a podcast as a part of your marketing strategy, then you have the advantage of saving time, effort, and money as you learn about the mistakes other podcasters have made - and how you can avoid them.


On this episode, I share three key mistakes new podcasters make when starting a podcast. I share some critical questions to help you get started as well as how to keep your audience engaged and excited. I also share tips on how to avoid making these mistakes to ensure you start your podcast with the right foundations so you can achieve not only your podcasting goals but also your full potential as a podcaster and business owner.





“If you’re thinking about launching a podcast this year, NOW is the time to start planning your vision, goals, and strategy for your show.” - Dawn Lidwell



This week on Podcast Rockstars: The foundational elements you should consider when planning your podcast The essential questions to ask yourself that will define the direction of your show A crucial podcasting element that is as important as the guests you want to interview The key to seeing conversions from your hard work A mistake that solopreneurs and early-stage entrepreneurs usually make What happens when you try to do everything in your podcast Why many podcasts fade out quickly



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