Naketa Thigpen, a licensed clinical social worker, is the president and CEO of Thigpro Balance and Relationship Management Institute and considered to be the number one Balance & Relationship Advisor across the globe. Aside from being an empowerment speaker, Naketa is also the host of the podcast for ambitious women and a few brave men called Balance Boldly. She is also the author of the upcoming book Selfish: Permission to Pause, Live, Love & Laugh Your Way to Joy. With the mission to help others enjoy life as they create balance and joy, Naketa will be reaching out to more audiences as she launches her new show Kitchen Conversations #Unfiltered in the Spring of 2019.

Naketa joins me today to share how she balances her time - both personally and professionally - boldly and unapologetically. She explains what a seasonal show is and the different strategies she uses to keep her audience engaged and interested between seasons. Naketa also shares why she’s not worried about the drop in live plays she experiences between seasons as well as how her podcast helps expand her personal and professional network while achieving various goals.


“They don't know if it's going to be week six or week eight, but my listeners trust that I'm going to show up. And they're coming and listening and learning and gathering which is all that I ever wanted.” - Naketa Thigpen



This week on Podcast Rockstars: The story of how her podcast came to be How she takes care of herself so she can be available to everyone else How she and her team produce seasonal shows and the average number of episodes she releases per season How her audience reacted when she didn’t give a ‘heads-up’ the first time she ended a season The various ways she saved money because of her show How she made the transition from Balance Beam to Balance Boldly The strategy she uses to avoid providing identical content to her email list and social media followers Why she doesn’t maintain a Facebook Group How her podcast has, directly and indirectly, impacted her business growth How her show allowed her to set healthy boundaries, personally and in her business