Day 8 deals with the yummy part of Christmas.

I managed to get a fair bit done the past couple days. I've still got one more poem to write, a bit of recording and four more episodes to edit together. But I've now about two weeks to finish it before I use up what I've finished. I should be able to finish the rest tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest.

I don't expect to get much if anything out during January. I've got some ideas, including one for a new podcast, but I'll have to see how things go. I will get an anniversary episode out for Blue Hot Gossip which should be some time in January. I may also do another 13 Days of Halloween next year, although those would be as Blue Hot Gossip episodes. And it also depends upon the amount of material available. I will at least do a Halloween episode of Blue Hot Gossip if I don't do the 13 Days.

The problem right now is that I've got a lot of ideas and only so much time. So if I decide to work on one thing something else has to get put aside. As a result I often have to choose either the easier stuff or at least the more popular stuff. And right now Podcast Ping isn't as popular as Blue Hot Gossip.

Podcast Ping is licensed under Creative Commons, Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0.

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