Day 6 deals with the depression many go through at Christmas.

I probably should have redone the poem since I feel I rushed it and didn't give it the proper pacing. But there's only so much time worth devoting to the podcast and I've still got more work left. Had I not done the Halloween shows I probably would have had the time to perfect the Christmas shows. And because I had to write scripts, I probably did more writing for the thirteen Halloween shows than I'm doing for the twenty-five Christmas shows. Although I am writing much more longer show notes.

I also feel I'm coming down with a cold. Fortunately, recording poetry doesn't require the vocal dexterity the Blue Hot Gossip Comedy Show does because I use my own voice. But I've only got five more to record (and write) and more than a week to get them done, so I don't think it will be a problem. That's one of the reasons I wanted to get the shows finished early. I'll have to push at it the next couple days to finish things up. With Christmas coming there's enough to do.

I'm going to have to set a New Year's resolution to not keep any games on my computer. Although as it is I don't keep them; I remove them as soon as I've finished playing them.

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