Day 4.

Three weeks left until Christmas.

Growing up Catholic, Christmas for me is first and foremost a religious holiday. (Even though I would have ranked getting gifts above going to church.) So I do have some religious content in the calendar. And Christmas itself it too closely tied to Christianity to completely eliminate it. But I've tried to keep it general enough to interest those who aren't Christian.

And there's no reason a non-Christian can't enjoy Christian music. I will admit that a large amount of it is bad. This is usually because everyone it too polite to tell the artists how bad it is. But there is some talent and every now and then an artist who isn't part of the Christian music scene will do something suited to that genre.

Ayla Brown (who I didn't know about because I never watch American Idol) would probably consider herself mainstream. Despite the AI connection, she does have a good voice. I happen to also have another of her songs later on in the Calendar. This is one song that could fit with Contemporary Christian music.

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