Day 21.

Only three days left (after today/Monday). Although there's four shows left because I'm putting one out on Christmas as well. (Although I'll actually be posting it the night before as I have been with the other episodes.) And I have something somewhat special planned for the Christmas show.

I always listen to episodes of my own show before posting, and often afterwords as well. Usually I wind up listening to each episode at least five or ten times, aside from the time I spend listening while putting the show together. The first few times are to listen for any mistakes, and I've sometimes re-done a show because I didn't like how something sounded. I didn't have time to redo these shows, although if the recording was obviously noisy when I first recorded it I did redo it at the time, so none of them are too severe. However, there's a few I would have rerecorded to get rid of a bit of hiss. Still, I haven't heard any complaints.

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