Gareth and Russell are joined for the first podcast of the new football season by Huw Davies to look ahead to the Nations League and the games against Ireland and Denmark.
In light of his retirement from International football they also pay tribute to Hal Robson-Kanu.
To understand the format of the Nations League this guest blog by Buzz Boncath is helpful as is Huw’s article in Four Four Two.
Ar gyfer podlediad cyntaf y tymor pêl-droed newydd mae Huw Davies yn ymuno â Gareth a Russell i edrych ymlaen at Gynghrair y Cenhedloedd a’r gemau yn erbyn Iwerddon a Denmarc.
Ar ôl ei ymddeoliad o bêl-droed rhyngwladol maen nhw’n talu teyrnged i Hal Robson-Kanu hefyd.
Er mwyn i ddeall fformat Cynghrair y Cenhedloedd mae’r blogpost gwadd hwn gan Buzz Boncath yn ddefnyddiol as is erthygl Huw ar gyfer Four Four Two.