Russell, Leon and Gareth look back at the October triple header of games versus England and in the Nations League against the Republic of Ireland and Bulgaria.

They wax lyrical about Jonny Williams; assess a promising debut by Rhys Norrington-Davies; express their frustrations at Rabbi Matondo; and consider who might replace the injured Wayne Hennessey next month.

They also pay tribute to James Collins on his retirement and summarise from a Welsh perspective the final days of the transfer window

Mae Russell, Leon a Gareth yn edrych yn ôl ar y driphlyg o gemau fis Hydref yn erbyn Lloegr ac yng Nghynghrair y Cenedloedd yn erbyn Y Weriniaeth Iwerddon a Bwlgaria.

Maen nhw'n canu glodydd Jonny Williams; asesu debut addawol Rhys Norrington-Davies; mynegi eu rhwystredigaeth am Rabbi Matondo; ac ystyried pwy efallai fydd yn cymryd lle Wayne Hennessey anafus fis nesaf.

Hefyd maen nhw'n talu teyrnged i James Collins wedi iddo ymddeol a chrynhoi o safbwynt Cymreig dyddiau y ffenestr trosgwlyddo.