The Dragon On My Shirt is a brand new series looking at the experiences of some of the people of colour to represent Wales in football. Produced by East Sleep Media and supported financially by Welsh Government's anti-racism programme, the series is written and presented by Darren Chetty (@rapclassroom). It features the likes of Neil Taylor, George Berry, Wendy Reilly and Safia Middleton-Patel.

Darren has also prepared an Info Pack for the series, including an educational Discussion Resource.

The series is available to watch on the FAW's RedWall+ streaming channel.

Trigger warning: this episode refers to racism and people's experiences of overt racism. No racial slurs are used but they are implied.

Cyfres newydd sbon yw The Dragon On My Shirt sy'n edrych ar brofiadau rhai o'r pobl o liw sydd wedi cynrychioli Cymru ym mhêl-droed. Cynhyrchwyd gan East Sleep Media gyda chefnogaeth ariannol oddi wrth raglen gwrth-hiliaeth Llywodraeth Cymru, mae'r gyfres wedi'i hysgrifennu a'i chyflwyno gan Darren Chetty (@rapclassroom). Mae'n cynnwys chwaraewyr megis Neil Taylor, George Berry, Wendy Reilly a Safia Middleton-Patel.

Hefyd mae Darren wedi paratoi Pecyn Gwybodaeth ar gyfer y gyfres, gan gannwys Adnodd Trafod addysgol.

Mae'r gyfres ar gael i'w gwylio ar RedWall, sianel ffrydio CBDC.

Rhybudd: mae'r episod yma yn cyfeirio at hiliaeth a phrofiadau pobl o hiliaeth amlwg. Does dim sarhau hiliol ond maen nhw'n cael eu hawgrymu.