In this episode - sponsored by Sporting Heritage CIC - Russell is joined by football historian Ian Garland and Ashley Drake of St David's Press publishing.

Ian has co-written, with Gareth M Davies, Sons of Cambria, the who's who of male footballers who have represented Wales since the very first international match against Scotland in 1876 until 1946, including wartime and Victory internationals, as well as assorted other uncapped and representative matches.

You can buy the book here.

For further details about Sporting Heritage's work in Wales and across the UK visit their website and social media, check out their podcast channel on Soundcloud and throughout the month of February 2022 celebrate The Art of Sporting Heritage on social media at #SportAndArt.

Yn y rhifyn hwn - noddir gan Sporting Heritage CIC - mae Russell yn cael ei ymuno â fe gan hanesydd pêl-droed Ian Garland ac Ashley Drake o'r cyhoedd-dy St David's Press.

Gyda Gareth M Davies bu Ian yn cyd-ysgrifennu, Sons of Cambria, y pwy yw pwy o bob pêl-droedwr gwrwaidd i gynrychioli Cymru ers ei gem cyntaf erioed yn erbyn Yr Alban ym 1876 tan 1946, yn cynnwys gemau rhyngwladol yn ystod y rhyfel a Buddugoliaeth, yn ogystal â'r amrywolaeth o gemau di-gap a chynrychiol.

Gellir prynu'r llyfr yma.

Am ragor o fanylion am waith Sporting Heritage yng Nghymru a ledled y DU ymwelwch â'u gwefan a chyfryngau cymdeithasol, bwrw golwg ar eu sianel podlediadau ar Soundcloud a thrwy gydol mis Chwefror 2022 dathlwch Celf Treftadaeth Chwaraeon ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol ar #SportAndArt #ChwaraeonaChelf.