I always wanted to do a podcast, but I’ve never gotten around to it because who wants to hear me ramble? I can say things more succinctly by writing them. I think a podcast is interesting when it’s a small group discussion or an interview with interesting people. I’ve never gotten around to recording either […]

I always wanted to do a podcast, but I’ve never gotten around to it because who wants to hear me ramble? I can say things more succinctly by writing them. I think a podcast is interesting when it’s a small group discussion or an interview with interesting people. I’ve never gotten around to recording either scenario, so I never published a podcast…until now.

In a previous post I linked to a YouTube snippet of the CEO of 1-800 CONTACTS, Jonathan Coon, giving a speech to Wal-Mart optometrists. Posting the entire video from the DVD would take too much bandwidth, but I managed to scrape the audio to share with you. So it’s not really my podcast, but it is a step in the right direction.

Again, if I get a legal letter from 1-800 or Wal-Mart demanding that I remove the content, I will of course comply; however, they did send this DVD to every Wal-Mart optometrist, and some of those optometrists also work in private practice settings. Also, this presentation defends 1-800 CONTACTS and Wal-Mart’s partnership better than anything I’ve heard. So, I think you will agree that every optometrist who is interested should listen to this talk (or watch it if you can borrow it from your nearest Wal-Mart Vision Center).

Enjoy. (Click the player below or download manually or subscribe to it in iTunes or subscribe to Optoblog’s site feed or podcast feed to automatically get it in your favorite podcatcher.)