You’ve dialed into episode nine of On This Very Screen, where the gang trades in Paolo (on a much deserved vacation) for returning special guest and OTVS ringer, Corey Schroeder, in our own “Tribute to the Troops” — The Marine 3: Homefront! Taking the reins from John Cena and Ted Dibiase Jr., Mike “The Miz” … Continue reading Episode 09: “The Marine 3: Homefront” →

You’ve dialed into episode nine of On This Very Screen, where the gang trades in Paolo (on a much deserved vacation) for returning special guest and OTVS ringer, Corey Schroeder, in our own “Tribute to the Troops” — The Marine 3: Homefront! Taking the reins from John Cena and Ted Dibiase Jr., Mike “The Miz” Mizanin is on the hunt for his kidnapped sister against, legitimately, the best villain in a WWE Studios film to date — NEAL MCDONOUGH! You ready for irredeemable millennials, the worst siege ever caught on film, and big bads with a thousand percent more likability and sympathy than their heroic counterparts?  Then,  hoo-goddamn-rah — this is the movie for you!

Awwwwwwe-fuuuuullll! SUBSCRIBE to the gang on iTunes (and leave a rating or a review for us, if you please), LIKE us on Facebook and FOLLOW the show on Twitter for updates on everything OTVS and WWE Studios.

Did You Know? In a twist that I can only attribute to internet trolls on Wikipedia, the original lead for the third “Marine” entry was apparently set for — get this — BOB HOLLY.  Okay, that’s it. The only thing worse than a WWE film starring Hardcore Holly, is the fact we didn’t get a WWE film starring Hardcore Holly.

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