Previous Episode: S2E26: The Dark Phoenix
Next Episode: S2E28: Unmasked

Buro sat at breakfast with Miya Okirido, Imperial Page Counter. He was an elderly samurai, who would speak long-windily about the most innocuous subjects. His slow demeanor and roundabout way of conversing incensed Buro, who felt there must be some purpose for their meeting. Frustrated, Buro pushed Okirido about Agasha Sumiko, and what he knew about the death of Doji Satsume. Okirido did not appreciate Buro’s hasty approach and did not wish to get involved with an investigation, so he left their meeting, offended and disrespected. Buro was not sure what Kachiko’s purpose for the meeting was, but could not help feeling like he somehow missed an opportunity.

Meanwhile, Kenshi and Tomo met with Tsubasa, noting his absence from the party over the last few days. Tsubasa said that he had been investigating the arson which took place at the Otomo Guest House, and the death of Otomo Yasushi. He mentioned that he was coming to an end of his investigation when Kenshi and Tomo asked if they could aid him in his mission. Tsubasa accepted, so the three samurai went to the docks in the Outer City to follow up on the last remaining lead.

There, they learned the names of the people responsible for the arson, that they had been dockworkers responsible for loading and unloading cargo on ships, and that they had recently come into conflict with an Otomo samurai who had roughed them up while investigating their business. Knowing that he now had the names of the criminals and a motive for their crime, Tsubasa declared the matter settled, but Tomo and Kenshi felt there was more to the story.

While investigating the dockworkers, Kenshi and Tomo learned of a popular sake house that the criminals would frequent. Going undercover as a distressed family member, Kenshi learned that one of the dockworkers involved in the arson had been acting strange ever since he began talking with another one of the regulars at the sake house. He didn’t know his name, but said he was a large, burly man, with an eyepatch over his left eye, and that he lived in a shack on a hill just outside of the city. Unsure of whether or not they could trust Tsubasa, Kenshi and Tomo withheld this information from the Scorpion, and decided they should look into it another time. 

Later, Kenshi, Tomo, and Buro reconvened and shared their stories discreetly, away from the eyes and ears of the Scorpion Embassy. The three decided they would investigate the strange man from the sake house immediately. As they were preparing to go, they got word that Kachiko was holding an important meeting, and that everyone at court was invited. Tomo attended the meeting along with a couple Emerald Magistrates, while Buro and Kenshi went to investigate the strange man.

At her meeting, Kachiko declared that the mystery surrounding the Otomo arson had been solved. She announced the names of the criminals-- the three arsonists and the murderer who killed Otomo Yasushi-- and explained that they had motivated by revenge against the Otomo family. Kachiko said that the samurai of the court should use this as a warning to be careful around the servants and lower classes of Otosan Uchi. She then announced that until more city guards can be mustered, she will sacrifice a portion of her clan samurai to bolster their ranks and protect the city.

As this happened, Buro and Kenshi went to investigate the strange man’s shack. Buro slunk around behind the shack while Kenshi pretended to be a family member of one of the deceased criminals. 


Album Art by Dylon Munoz


"Rokugan Theme" by Brandon Spain

"Ekohikei Afternoon" by Podcast of the Five Rings

"The Loss" by Podcast of the Five Rings

"Silk Kimono" by Podcast of the Five Rings

"Kachiko's Waltz" by Podcast of the Five Rings

"Treehouse" by Podcast of the Five Rings