Podcast Notes Key Takeaways Most of the time, you don’t need people with on-the-job experience; you need fast learners and team playersEvery entrepreneur needs an investment thesis—a clear set of articulated beliefs about the way the world is becoming, the role of your product or service in that world, and what you’re going to do to enable that role successfully“The rule for consumer internet—and the general rule for most businesses—is: while the entrepreneurial instinct is to build the product and then figure out distribution, you should figure out product and distribution together.” – Reid HoffmanGreat distribution & mediocre product > great product & mediocre distributionEvery weakness has a corresponding strength

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Reid Hoffman's success as a founder of LinkedIn, investor in Airbnb and Facebook, and charter member of the PayPal Mafia have a common thread - an intense passion for creating valuable networks with people at the center. In this episode, Mike Maples, Jr of Floodgate talks to Reid about key approaches for building valuable business and consumer networks from the ground-up.