Podcast Notes Key Takeaways How to mitigate stress:Practice the art of under-committingStart a meditation practiceBlock off time to think“Perhaps the most important thing you can do for reducing stress is being honest” – James BesharaOn the realities of entrepreneurship:“The conception is that you own your own destiny, or you’re your own boss, or you have freedom… That just wasn’t my experience in creating anything I did. You’re always beholden to the audience, customers, or whoever you’re creating for.” – James BesharaAnd when your company gets big enough – “Instead of one boss, you have 70 employees who are your bosses, or 10,000 customers who are your bosses.”The human body isn’t designed to withstand the long-term stresses that come with building a successful startup

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James Beshara (@JamesBeshara) is a modern day renaissance man – an entrepreneur, angel investor, podcaster, author, musician. James is a prolific creator who operates with passion and he’s probably one of the most honest entrepreneurs I’ve ever met. James founded three startups including Tilt which was acquired by Airbnb in 2017 where he was Global Head of Airbnb Music. James has angel invested in dozens of startups like Gusto, Mercury Bank, Halo Top Ice Cream, Bolt and many others, including several multi-billion dollar companies, and is now a full-time angel investor.

This year, he launched the Below The Line podcast which is, without any exaggeration, my favorite new podcast of 2019. James is an advocate for mental health, a lover of philosophy, a beacon of honesty in the tech community and someone who always willing to help–he’s personally been very helpful in the launching of this podcast and now as our third guest. James has a book coming out next month called Beyond Coffee which you can check out at beyondcoffeebook.com and you call follow him on Twitter @JamesBeshara.

Show notes:

• 1:05 Introduction of James Beshara

• 2:18 Background of how the Paradox Podcast came to be

• 5:50 Why James is bullish on podcasts

• 8:24 Why radical honesty is a core part of James' life

• 15:45 Why James, a Catholic Texan, has gravitated to eastern philosophy and how meditation has impacted James' life

• 26:08 The genesis of James' serial creativity

• 28:56 Fact vs Fiction: the reality of being a founder

• 46:35 Why nuance still matters in the age of sound bites

• 52:10 How James became an angel investor and leveraged his own life challenges to help a new generation of founders

• 1:00:59 preview of James Beshara episode two available 11/1/19