Tetragrammaton with Rick Rubin


Key Takeaways  The more technology and capitalism we get, the better things are going to get Fundamentally, whether or not a startup succeeds depends on whether it is building a product that people want Great people want to be around other great people; most companies are too tolerant of mediocrity In the long run, even the most innovative companies eventually become boringTall Poppy Syndrome: Due to humanity’s tribal inclinations, the Tall Poppy – the person trying to do something new – tends to get cut When something in tech is successful, it tends to change the status structures and hierarchies of societyThe Law of Crappy People: The quality of any level in the company will degrade to the worst person at that level “More companies die of indigestion than of starvation.” – Marc Andreessen  The best companies can think in the long term despite the pressures to prioritize the short-term New things in the world are not going to show up predictably By 2030 or 2035, you will be able to have the equivalent of 1,000 AI programmers writing code for you Most people who are opposed to technological change are not opposed to the given technology but are opposed to how that technology may diminish their status and power 

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Marc Andreessen is a prominent entrepreneur, investor, and software engineer best known for his key role in the development of the early internet. In the early 90s, Marc co-created Mosaic, a pioneering web browser, while a student at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign. In 1994, he founded Netscape, launching the popular Netscape Navigator browser. After selling Netscape to AOL in 1999 for $4.3 billion, Marc founded Opsware, selling it later for $1.6 billion. In 2009, he co-founded Andreessen Horowitz, a venture capital firm that has backed, among others, Airbnb, Facebook, Instagram, and SpaceX. Known for his insights into technology, Marc's early work with Mosaic and Netscape significantly shaped the internet's growth, and his ongoing contributions continue to influence the tech industry.


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