Infinite Loops

Podcast Notes Key Takeaways  The majority of companies who have made money on the internet have done so via closed AI; Stability AI is an open source alternative to Big Tech’s closed AI systemOpen systems are more robust, resilient, and safe than closed systems which often become brittle, fragile, and centralized People are not the same around the world; the moral and ethical conversation around AI improves when more people from all around the world can participateThe last generation of AI was patterns-based; the next generation of AI will be principles-basedCombining principles-based AI with patterns-based AI will solve problems that were previously unsolvable The AI of the future will be too powerful to be controlled by any one company or government; that would be too much power for an unelected company, and governments should not control it eitherGiving everyone personalized access to intelligent resources will enable everyone to out-compete the legacy systems and create a better world Open AI helps shift society’s mindset from scarcity to abundance It’s important for AI to be open so that countermeasures can be built to prevent corporations and governments from creating the panopticon A closed, AI-enhanced government would make it impossible for the individual to rise up and change its government  AI is the greatest lever that humanity has ever been given, according to Jim O’ShaughnessyArtificial intelligence is one of the most powerful technologies that we’ve created because this technology is us and extends us The bad guys have this tech right now; in order to limit the damage they can do, AI must be made open to benefit most from cognitive diversity 

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Emad Mostaque is the founder and CEO of Stability AI, the company behind Stable Diffusion.

Emad joins Stability AI’s recently announced Executive Chair of the board of directors Jim O’Shaughnessy to discuss the future of AI, the benefits of open source software, and much more.

Important Links:

Stability AI
Stable Diffusion Launch Announcement
Stability AI’s Twitter
Emad’s Twitter
Jim’s announcement as Executive Chair

Show Notes:

The open vs closed AI debate
How will open AI lead to better outcomes for AI safety?
How will AI allow us to to solve previously unsolvable problems?
How AI can transform education
AI and storytelling
What is ‘clean’ data?
Can AI technology increase IQs across the entire world?
The future: optimism, pessimism, jobs, AI alignment and the panopticon
Why closed AI is a bad business model
Anticipating and defending against future problems
What two ideas would you like to give everyone in the world?

Books Mentioned:

The WEIRDest People in the World; by Joseph Henrich

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