Starting Greatness with Mike Maples

Podcast Notes Key Takeaways Ben Horowitz gives a detailed timeline on Loudcloud’s“IPO from Hell” and how it went from $0.35/share to being acquired for $1.65 Billion at $14.25/shareIn a near-death experience as a founder, it takes a lot of humility and resiliency to make the best choice out of all the horrible choices“If you have the will and the idea, [being a founder] is the best thing you can do with your life” – Ben Horowitz

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Startups are romanticized AFTER they win. But it takes extraordinary grit to have what it TAKES to win. Ben Horowitz, the co-founder of Andreessen-Horowitz, is the perfect guest to tell it like it is, as he has for many years in his books "the Hard Thing About Hard Things" and "What You Do Is Who You Are." Mike Maples, Jr of FLOODGATE interviews Ben to discuss the ups and downs of dealing with "the struggle," and why the best startup leaders are often the ones who simply refused to quit.