Modern Wisdom

Podcast Notes Key Takeaways Have a vector that orients your time, attention, and energy towards achieving your goal, and allow for subroutines to develop off of that vector that get you closer to your goal Design an information diet like you would design your diet with food: this information is good, this information is bad, don’t consume this type of information, only consume this type of media during this specific time of day, etc. Failing restaurants add sugar to their meals as a last-ditch effort to attract patrons back to their restaurant, and the legacy media does the same with information Twitter is the public war zone; it is the new parliament where ideas are shared and challenged, and it’s actually upstream of governments You can learn a lot from Twitter by following interesting people and accounts, but it is easy to overdose on the serendipity of it “What thesmartest people do on the weekends is what everyone else will do during the week in 10 years.” – Chris DixonTechnologies that Balaji is interested in today: digital nomadism, a “full crypto life”, AI content creation, and synthesis search enginesWars fought today will not look like wars fought in the past; they will include terrorism, social media memes, hacks, de-platforming, assassination, and moreThe new form of war is better because it’s less destructive to property, but it’s worse because the battlefield is everywhere and nowhere America’s conflict won’t be blue vs. red, it will be green vs. orange, or at a higher level: centralization vs. decentralization “I am not very confident in America’s hard power in a serious fight with China in its own backyard because America is overconfident.” – Balaji Srinivasan Russia cannot give up on Ukraine; China cannot give up on Taiwan; America can and probably will give up on Ukraine and Taiwan like it gave up on Afghanistan The resolution of the government’s war with Big Tech is to effectively nationalize Big Tech, regardless of the justification, and it will justify its measures in the name of combatting Chinese ControlChoosing betweenAmerican Anarchy and Chinese Control is not ideal for most countries or most people The Cold War had a “third world” consisting of non-aligned countries with neither the U.S. nor the Soviets, but it was significantly behind the U.S. and Soviet blocsBalaji thinks a third group could emerge in the America-China conflict, but perhaps this time, it comes in first because of the modern technologies that empower the individual 

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Balaji Srinivasan is an entrepreneur and essayist, he was co-founder of Counsyl, former chief technology officer of Coinbase and former general partner at Andreessen Horowitz.

Our information diets are making us mentally fat. Whether it's fake news, mis or disinformation, state propaganda or conspiracy theories, the world is very difficult to navigate. Balaji also wants to start a new type of country, he has views on how to optimise your working day and he generates more new ideas than almost anyone. Today we get an insight into his thought process behind all of this.

Expect to learn why socialism always continues to arise across the world, how Balaji tracks all of the ideas he has in his head, why Singapore is a powerhouse of a new country, how immigration will deal with remote VR workers in India, why everyone should use a dashboard to track what's going on in their life, the key trick that the legacy media uses to manipulate you and much more...


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