Podcast Notes Introduction Autoimmune diseases affect 80 million Americans – more than those affected by heart disease, cancer, and diabetes combinedPreemptive, personalized medicine is the way to goFunctional medicine seeks to treat the causes of disease, not the symptomFive main triggers of autoimmune disease are toxins, infections, poor microbiome health, allergens/poor diet, and stressOn occasion Epstein Barr virus can reactivate and stimulate the immune system to react, triggering autoimmune conditionsLupus is 9x more prevalent in women versus men, possibly because of dysfunction in the estrogen detoxification pathway

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What Really Causes Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Todd LePine | This episode is brought to you by AirDoctor

Autoimmune diseases are a huge issue, affecting over 80 million Americans. They include type 1 diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and dozens of others, but they all have one thing in common: The body attacks itself. Conventional medicine uses pharmaceutical drugs to treat autoimmune disease but fails to answer one simple question: Why is the body out of balance to begin with, and how do we help it regain the proper balance? Functional Medicine, on the other hand, applies a personalized approach to treating autoimmune disease providing a map to find the root cause underlying autoimmune disease.

In this episode, Dr. Hyman sits down with Dr. Todd LePine to discuss the Functional Medicine approach to treating autoimmune disease, and lupus specifically.

Dr. LePine graduated from Dartmouth Medical School and is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, specializing in Integrative Functional Medicine. He is an Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner. Prior to joining The UltraWellness Center, he worked as a physician at Canyon Ranch in Lenox, MA, for 10 years. Dr. LePine’s focus at The UltraWellness Center is to help his patients achieve optimal health and vitality by restoring the natural balance to both the mind and the body. His areas of interest include optimal aging, bio-detoxification, functional gastrointestinal health, systemic inflammation, autoimmune disorders and the neurobiology of mood and cognitive disorders. Dr. LePine teaches around the world, and has given lectures to doctors and patients at American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG), the University of Miami Integrative Medicine Conference, The Kripalu Center in Lenox, MA, and is on the faculty for American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). Dr. LePine is the head of the Scientific Advisory Board for Designs for Health and a consultant for Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory. He enjoys skiing, kayaking, hiking, camping and golfing in the beautiful Berkshires, and is a fitness enthusiast.

In this conversation, Dr. Hyman and Dr. LePine discuss:

Common indicators of lupus

Traditional treatments and medications used to treat lupus

Pharmaceutical triggered lupus 

Pre-autoimmune disease and preemptive personalized medicine

How Dr. LePine treated a patient with lupus 

The connection between Epstein Barr virus and autoimmune disease

Five main triggers of autoimmune diseaseLectins and mannose binding lectin deficiency

Ozone therapy

The relationship between lupus and hormones

Foods to eat and to avoid for autoimmune disease

For more information visit drhyman.com/uwc

This episode is sponsored by AirDoctor. We need clean air not only to live but to create vibrant health and protect ourselves and loved ones from toxin exposure and disease. Learn more about the AirDoctor Professional Air Purifier system at a special price at www.drhyman.com/filter

Additional resources:

Getting to the Root: Taking the Overwhelm Out of Autoimmunity


A New Approach to Autoimmune Disease


Top 5 Diet Changes for Autoimmunity


10 Steps to Reverse Autoimmune Disease


Is There A Cure For Autoimmune Disease?


How to Stop Attacking Yourself: 9 Steps to Heal Autoimmune Disease


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