Podcast Notes Key Takeaways The Lake Wobegon effect: Tendency to overestimate one’s abilities “At some subconscious level, we just don’t want to think about ourselves in a negative way” – Angela DuckworthWhat makes up happiness?Life satisfactionThinking that your life is goodPositive emotionsFeeling good emotionsAbsence of negative emotionLack of depression, anxiety, and other similar feelingsSometimes people can be recklessly optimistic and set unattainable goals that decrease their life satisfaction“If you reacher higher, you’ll get farther, but you might be less happy doing it” – Angela Duckworth The 3 Blessings exercise is a reliable way to increase happiness:Think of 3 good things that happened to you in the last 24 hourseval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'podcastnotes_org-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',122,'0','0']));

Read the full notes @ podcastnotes.org

Also: how does age affect happiness?