Huberman Lab

Podcast Notes Key Takeaways Light can change the genes that the cells of the body express directly and indirectlyThere are more than 100 years of science supporting the use of specific types of light to support the health of the brain and bodyDifferent wavelengths of light impact our tissues at different levels – shortwave light (e.g., blue, UV) doesn’t penetrate beyond the top surface of the skin; longwave light (e.g., red) penetrates deep through the skin to boneThink of light as a communicator of what’s going on in the environment around you and either taken at the surface or deeper and passed off as instructions to other areas or organs of the bodyTip: if you wake up in the middle of the night, try not the flip on a light (or use longwave light) so you don’t disrupt melatonin levelsSunlight and day length can impact the melatonin pathway and directly trigger hormone pathways (testosterone and estrogen), desire to mate, and mating behaviorUsing light to optimize testosterone and estrogen: get about 20 minutes of light exposure to as much skin as possible, 2-3 times per week minimumExperiencing pain? Go outside & get direct UVB light on the skin and in the eyes! On longer days or in bright light environments, we tolerate pain (nociception) betterBenefits of direct UVB exposure on eyes & skin: enhanced immune function, increased turnover (growth) of stem cells in hair and nails, sleep regulation, faster wound healing, increases in hormonesTip for shift workers or people awake at night for childcare, etc.: if you need to be awake at night, red light is the best choice because it will not inhibit melatonin or increase cortisolObvious but worth stating: when we talk about light exposure to the eyes, it shouldn’t be painful to look at or force you to squint or turn away – it’s too bright to safely look at if that’s the case

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I describe the mechanisms by which different wavelengths of light impact the cells, tissues and organs of the human body, and how specifically timed light exposure of specific wavelengths can be used to improve sleep, enhance alertness, modulate hormone levels, and improve mood. I also explain the use of ultraviolet and infrared phototherapies to relieve pain increase testosterone and estrogen levels; improve skin health, appearance and wound healing; and how red light can be used to offset age-related vision loss and provide neuroprotection. Throughout the episode, I describe the mechanisms of light-based therapies and actionable tools that people can use positively impact mental and physical health.

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AG1 (Athletic Greens):



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Tuesday, May 17th: Seattle, WA

Wednesday, May 18th: Portland, OR

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(00:00:00) Using Light to Improve Health

(00:04:31) The Brain-Body Contract

(00:05:17) AG1 (Athletic Greens), Thesis, LMNT

(00:09:56) Physics of Light, Electromagnetic Energy

(00:12:23) Wavelengths of Light

(00:15:38) How Light Penetrates Tissues

(00:20:13) Light & the Body: Direct & Indirect Signals

(00:28:35) Light, Seasonality & Melatonin

(00:33:40) Melatonin: Regulatory & Protective Effects

(00:38:49) Tools: Optimizing Melatonin Levels

(00:44:49) Sun (UVB light) Exposure, Mating Behavior, Testosterone & Estrogen

(00:58:09) Seasonality, Romantic Passion & Testosterone

(01:02:13) Tool: Skin Sun Exposure & Testosterone

(01:06:13) Light & Improved Pain Tolerance

(01:11:55) Protocol: Sun Exposure & Chronic Pain

(01:12:48) Tools: Sunlight (UVB), Blue-Light Blockers, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

(01:19:44) Light & Enhanced Immune Function

(01:23:30) Tool: Light During Winter Months

(01:26:18) Light Therapies: Local vs. Systemic Exposure

(01:28:54) Tool: Improving Mood, Timing of Natural & Artificial Light

(01:32:44) Light Conditions & Sleep Optimization

(01:39:00) Infrared Light, Skin & Wound Healing

(01:46:00) Infrared Light Therapy & Skin, Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy (LLLT)

(01:49:20) Infrared Light & Age-Related Vision Loss

(01:59:36) Tools: Infrared Panels, Morning Exposure

(02:05:22) Infrared Light at Night, Shift Work

(02:08:35) Light Flicker Phototherapy & Neuroprotection

(02:19:07) Phototherapies for Health

(02:20:50) Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify Reviews, Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Patreon, Thorne, Instagram, Twitter, Neural Network Newsletter, Brain-Body Contract

Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac
