Stephan Livera Podcast

Podcast Notes Key Takeaways “There are tax collectors out there that want to know exactly what people are doing with alternative currencies” – Ron PaulExchanges collect information, so be vigilant, and expect IRS surveillance on monetary activities“For me, the perfect system is freedom of choice, then you and I can decide exactly what we should use as our monetary system, but today that’s not here” – Ron PaulAn individual’s mistake only affects them, but mistakes by the Federal Reserve affect the entire population and culminate in business cycles busts and boomsOpposing opinions are fine as long as no violence is involved. However, if we start to enforce currencies or opinions or vaccines, then it becomes dangerousOn growing Bitcoin’s user base, “Do your best to understand it and explain it and if it’s worth anything they will find you” – Ron PaulMovements occur by leadership, and 8% of the supercharged leaders are enough to influence others and ultimately the crowdsPeople react quickly when the government applies a lot of regulations, this usually manifests in the thriving of black marketsMarket corrections serve to liquidate runaway debt and fix malinvestments; printing the debt away only delays the inevitable and prolongs the painThe government should learn from the 1921 depression, rather than replicating that of the 1930s

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Ron Paul, libertarian former congressman and presidential candidate, joins me on the show to talk about Bitcoin, Libertarianism and Freedom in Money.

Ron Paul Links:

Twitter: @ronpaul


Swan Bitcoin
Knox Custody
Unchained Capital (code LIVERA)
CypherSafe (code LIVERA)
Hodl Hodl

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