Podcast Notes Key Takeaways 1) You don’t have to lift heavy to get big. All rep ranges build muscle.2) Stop 1-2 reps short of failure for the best results3) Rest & recovery days are necessary for muscle growth4) You don’t have to eat yourself into a coma to get big5) Steroids don’t guarantee muscle growth6) Often, the biggest guy in the gym knows the least about fitness7) There are no “girly” exercises

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In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss seven common beliefs that men have about fitness that are impeding their success.

Challenging and explaining the 7 biggest male fitness myths. (4:35) #1 – You must lift heavy to get big. (7:50) #2 - Training to failure is necessary for your body to respond. (16:32) #3 - Intensity is king. (28:29) #4 - You need to eat big to get big. (38:25) #5 – Taking steroids guarantees muscle. (47:20) #6 - The biggest guys in the gym must know the most. (56:57) #7 - Some movements are for women and don’t benefit men. (1:03:23)

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