
Podcast Notes Key Takeaways Contrary to the mainstream narrative, deflation is not evil. Goods and services going down in price is natural and desirable to any rational personIn a free market, entrepreneurs win only by consistently providing more value, creating deflation, and abundance, “fighting that is robbing humanity” – Jeff BoothYou can change bad actors in a system and it will still operate the same way. Bitcoin changes the system and “is the best chance we have today for a peaceful transition” – Jeff Booth“Bitcoin is whatever the hodlers believe it is, Bitcoin is driven by the character and conviction of the hodlers” – Michael SaylorWhen explaining Bitcoin, “It’s a lot easier to incrementally introduce good ideas than it is to overcome systemic bad ones” – Michael SaylorBitcoin is where the internet was in 1995, a few understand the potential and are building an entire ecosystem on topStartups that attempt to compete with a monopoly in every aspect always fail. Successful startups achieve a breakthrough in a niche, dominate it, then expand from thereA decentralized, non-sovereign store of value is the triumph of a crypto network, not features like privacy and transaction processingCentral Banks’ Digital Currencies‘ (CBDC’s) purpose is to allow direct money handouts to people and enable negative interest rates“A digital dollar is no more threatening to Bitcoin than a physical dollar is” – Michael Saylor

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BTC $ 16,140

Today's guests on the show are none other than @michael_saylor and @jeffbooth who come on to discuss some of the threats #Bitcoin might face and much more!

How does @jeffbooth round out Kaitlyn's economics 101 lesson with an insight into deflation and what has been on Lauren's mind since last speaking to Uncle Chad?

Why do @jeffbooth and @Michael_saylor love the #bitcoin community so much, are the Hodlers the "silent" force underpinning the #Bitcoin market and technology?

How do @Jeffbooth and @Michael_saylor see the current economic system and how has that shaped their thinking around #Bitcoin and the future of humanity?

As successful entrepreneurs who have to steer businesses through these crazy markets what do they foresee playing out in years to come?

Do Jeff and Michael have concerns about Central Bank Digital Currencies or Governments clamping down?

How do we change our language around #bitcoin to help people understand what #Bitcoin is, make the first step easier and guide better decision making within this asset?

A huge thank you to @Jeffbooth and @Michael_saylor for taking the time to come on the show and discuss all of these topics.

This thanks cannot go understated, these conversations are critical to helping us all understand more about how the world economy works and arms us with the knowledge to make better decisions for ourselves and our families.

Let's go.

I stand on the shoulders of giants, these guys are amazing.

Thank you:

@coinfloor @swanbitcoin for your trust and support.

@adamwoodhams1 for producing the show.

@jimreapermusic for creating

@hodlerthanthou and the Britcoiners @twentyoneism.

Shills and Mench’s:





