Podcast Notes Key Takeaways Coronavirus is a unifying threat to humanity, it crosses all the dividing linesThe most effective responses have been by authoritarian governments that took extreme measures, Having said that;The reason we are in a global pandemic is an authoritarian government covering up and not managing something that could have been a localized epidemicSociety works because of peer pressure, community response, and social feedback mechanisms that result in behavioral change, not by government mandatesExample: Society was successful at spreading memes and information that changed peoples’ behaviorBitcoin empowers individual financial independence by being an open protocol of money with an independent monetary policyIn a free-market economy, equipment and employees of a defunct company are utilized by eager startups who “build better systems out of the parts”Preventing this mechanism means propping up broken businesses, and undermining any possibility of competition by younger companies – everybody losesMoney printing leads to wealth transfer, manifested in inequality and inability to invest in your future“Nothing can be taken for granted, therefore nothing is sacred, therefore everything can be re-imagined and that is a positive thing” – Andreas  Antonopoulos

Read the full notes @ podcastnotes.org

Location: Zoom
Date: Wednesday, 1st April
Project: aantonop.com
Role: Speaker, Author & Educator

The coronavirus COVID-19 is an unprecedented global health crisis. There are now more than one million reported cases, the death toll continues to rise, and across the world, economies have been left decimated.

The crisis is bringing to fore many questions regarding the role of the state, challenging political identity. Conservatives are considering socialist policies; Libertarians are considering state responses and socialists are considering free markets.

While government responses vary, different approaches to lockdowns, surveillance and contact tracing are providing live case studies on how to handle the crisis. All these approaches question the role and the reach of the state, especially as some have seized this opportunity to implement new draconian laws.

With stock markets posting their worst quarterly results in decades, central banks have slashed interest rates, offering bailouts and implementing unprecedented stimulus packages.

Did Coronavirus cause these problems or highlight hidden issues? What does a post-coronavirus world look like? And what will the role of the state be?

In this interview, I talk to Andreas M. Antonopoulos, speaker, best selling author and Bitcoin evangelist. We discuss whether Coronavirus is a challenge to political identity, the largest monetary experiment in history, bailouts and money printing.


WBD209 Show Notes: https://www.whatbitcoindid.com/podcast/is-coronavirus-a-challenge-to-political-identity-with-andreas-m-antonopoulos


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