Podcast Notes Key Takeaways The WHO was relunact to announce that COVID was an airborne virus because it would’ve affected the spending and political budgets in all of their member countries“It’s an organization that’s sort of political first and then reverse engineers the science to fit that” – David Sacks“Organizations like the WHO and CDC are political bodies” – Chamath Palihapitiya “This war will not be fought on the ground with guns. It will be fought with computers and it will be fought with money.” – Chamath PalihapitiyaChina has 2.8 million factories and 83 million factory workers while the US has only 250,000 factories and 12 million factory workersThe US should manufacture key products such as medicine and defense weapons in the states, but it should produce apparel, toys, and other leisure items in other countries About 70% of 5G chips are fabricated in TaiwanWhich helps explains why China doesn’t recognize Taiwan as an independent country, there’s a chance they may try to annex it In the US shows an hesitation or weakness on Taiwan, China will seize it“We have to double down on creating a completely independent food supply inside the United States” – Chamath Palihapitiya

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