Podcast Notes Key Takeaways It took Daniel roughly 10 years to open up his first restaurantWorking with young chefs gave Daniel the confidence that by working together, they could make it in America“Still today, I am always driven by my team, by the people working with me” – Daniel BouludTo be successful, study your mentors “Since I started to be a chef, I always observed my mentor very carefully and also the leading people carefully in their organization” – Daniel Boulud“When you start to understand the thought process of someone, I think you learn a lot from it”If you’re a young chef, it’s important to understand the expectations of the restaurant, your boss, and the customersThe food is the most important thing in a restaurant, but also keep in mind the ambiance, service, and price of the foodAt the end of the day, restaurants are in the entertainment business“We are cooking and entertaining you for a couple of hours” – Daniel BouludThe hard truth about being a great chef:“When you think of great chefs in the world, you don’t really remember them for the thousands and thousands dishes they’ve cooked. You only remember them for one or two dishes.” – Daniel Boulud

Read the full notes @ podcastnotes.org

Over the past 30 years few people if any have as impressive of a resume in the culinary world as world renowned Chef Daniel Boulud.

A native of Lyon, France Chef Boulud is considered one of America’s leading culinary authorities and one of the most revered French chefs.

Chef Boulud has also embraced the entrepreneurial spirit owning more than 15 restaurants all over the world and knows the inns and outs of every aspect of his business.

Boulud is the author of nine cookbooks, the recipient of multiple James Beard Foundation awards including “Outstanding Chef”, and “Outstanding Restaurateur”, he’s been awarded four Michelin Stars and in 2013 was inducted into the Culinary Hall of Fame.

If you want a behind the scenes look into of one of the best chefs of our generation then you’ll love this episode!

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