MInd Pump

Podcast Notes Key Takeaways The body moves through the path of least resistance Assessments highlight natural patterns of imbalance and areas of improvement Correcting posture reduces the risk of injury and painMost common posture deviations: protracted/forward shoulder, forward head, anterior pelvic tilt, posterior pelvic tilt, flattened or turned out feetPosture correcting devices are not the answer! “If something has to hold you in place, you are not holding yourself in place.” – SalThree steps to correcting posture: (1) take the free, guided assessment at Mapsprimewebinar.com; (2) practice often; (3) incorporate fortification sessions, strategically strengthening muscles to counter areas of overcompensation

Read the full notes @ podcastnotes.org

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin lay out three simple steps to improving your posture.

How out of alignment we are. (2:53) Why trainers do assessments. (3:56) The most common posture deviations. (7:00) How your posture affects how you feel. (10:23) Why performance goals require more effort on skill acquisition. (15:28) Why moving optimally helps you build muscle. (16:21) How good posture comes naturally. (29:01) How to Improve Your Posture in 3 Steps. (30:54) #1 – Visit MAPS Prime Webinar and go through the 3 assessment exercises. (31:29) #2 – Pick the exercise you are the worst at and practice it daily for 10 minutes. The 2nd worst practice every other day, and the 3rd worst practice twice a week. (34:45) #3 – Modify your workout to compliment your particular posture issues. (36:08)

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