So you’ve heard tale of the Mad King, who turned the jewel of the plains into a twisted labyrinth; all charred stone and misbegotten creatures who live on in eternal flame. It’s a good tale, full of horror and suspense. And while such tales are the easiest to tell, they are the least true in […]

So you’ve heard tale of the Mad King, who turned the jewel of the plains into a twisted labyrinth; all charred stone and misbegotten creatures who live on in eternal flame. It’s a good tale, full of horror and suspense. And while such tales are the easiest to tell, they are the least true in the telling. But if you ask the right questions, there’s truth to be found in even the most outlandish of stories. Know this: Greveinja did burn and it’s the iron truth that her true king still mourns. Even after all these centuries, he still mourns for her.

We’ll have to start at the beginning if you want the tale to make sense. Before the Ravens claimed the towers and the wolves began their keening vigil over the land. Before the brambles and thorns pushed their way free of the dying earth to encircle the old kingdom.

A huge epic gigantic thanks for creating and helping with this episode Seppe, Mike, and Bethany of the Bookwyrms and DnD RAW.