Low Tech Podcast, No. 46 -- Low-Tech Innovations Panel Discussion - Part 1

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Low Tech Podcast, No. 46 – 22 Apr 2022

Low-Tech Innovation Panel – Part 1

In this two-part episode, we’re rebroadcasting a panel on low-tech innovations organized by the Embassy of France’s Office of Science and Technology (https://france-science.com/en/homepage-english-2/).

Lynda Amichi (organizer) – Deputy attaché for Science and Technology, Embassy of France
Libby Hsu (moderator) – MIT D-Lab (US) – https://d-lab.mit.edu
Philippe Bihouix – AREP (FR) – https://www.arep.fr/home-en
Corentin De Chatelperron – Low-Tech Lab (FR) – https://lowtechlab.org/en
Scott Johnson – Low Technology Institute (US) – https://lowtechinstitute.org/
Cédric Carles – Atelier 21 (FR) – https://www.atelier21.org/

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Songs are:
Early Sun” off of Bittersweet Endings by Crowander (CC-BY-NC)