This chapter of The Word Weaver Podcast discusses the psychological phenomenon known as impostor syndrome as it relates to writers and other high achievers.

In the wake of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade’s tragic deaths, impostor syndrome wouldn’t leave my mind as I read about these two incredible storytellers with successful careers who looked like they had it all on the outside, yet suffered with internal, silent struggles.

I share some of the traits that make people more susceptible to impostor syndrome and my personal tips for overcoming it.

Note: I am not a psychologist or a doctor, so if your feelings persist beyond impostor syndrome, please know that there is always someone you can talk to and resources available. I’ve listed a few below:

- Canadian Resources:

- If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide, call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline : 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)

- Anxiety and Depression Association of America: