In this episode, I bring you news of  exciting new trends apparent from entries in the first round of the British Podcast Awards which I helped judge in April 2022.

Exciting new trends, yes, but also evidence that some podcasters are still making basic errors which I also report on.

It was a huge privilege to be involved in the British Podcast Awards and I loved to see how podcasters are becoming more inventive, experimental and imaginative in their productions.

There were some amazing entries from the LGBTQ+ communities which really stretched the podcasting envelope. Equally impressive  were the podcasts which gave voice to those fleeing barbarism in all its forms.

There was some awesome interviewing skills on show this year which left me full of admiration.

And sound design is becoming much more of "a thing" in podcasts in 2022 with some excellent work on show.

On the negative side, there are still too many podcasts out there with semi-celebs and poorly prepared hosts. And it was a pity to find the odd podcast that reinforced stereotypes or whose hosts never got the "sound energised" memo. There was even the odd painful technical issue.

It will be fascinating to see who wins this year - there are some great contenders.

About me
Hello, I'm Serena Gay, a BBC-trained journalist and a former international satellite TV presenter.

I have many years of news and audio production experience which I now use to great effect as CEO of a podcast making company called "Made4U Podcasts".

I've  also helped run family businesses in the UK and Germany in the tourism and wine education fields.

So I understand the pressures on businesspeople to perform, promote and reach new and profitable streams of clients.

That's why these podcasts are short, pithy and full of information - not blather!


Facebook: @Made4uPodcasts
Email: [email protected]

Why not download my guide to business podcasting  too - you'll find it a treasure trove of information as you start your podcasting journey

P.S. I use and recommend podcast host Buzzsprout to new podcasters who want to  get their shows listed on every major podcast platform. You can use this link to sign up. If you choose a paid plan  you’ll get a $20 or a £15 Amazon gift card. This will also help support my show - so thank you!