Sound professional on your business podcast by making use of these 10 tips. 

It all starts in the mind. 

Doesn't everything?! 

But if you start off confident in the knowledge that you are delivering interesting and useful content that people want and need - you are more than half way there. 

This episode will help you inject that oomph into your voice that listeners love and find  inspirational. 

And they are: 

1.  As above, be confident that you are delivering a useful service with your podcast 
2. Vary the delivery and tone of your voice throughout the episode, in the same way you would if you were telling a story. This might include:

speaking fasterspeaking slower allowing your voice to rise in pitch speaking at the lower end of your vocal register altering the volume of your voice 

3.  Keep up energy levels by ending all your sentences so that people hear every word
4.  Breathe deeply so that your lungs have enough air to fulfil point 3 above
5.  Use the different sounds your vocal chords produce to engender a sense of wonderment in your listener
6.  Use your eyes and facial expressions to tell your story even if it is just to the mic!
7.  Use silence wisely in your delivery
8.  Gesticulate with your hands - these emotions will feed into your vocal delivery too
9.  Know your script well so that you read it intelligently (see episode 23 "How To Write Your Podcast and Sound Conversational" for useful tips)
10. SMILE! It will magically make you sound more enthusiastic


About me
Hello, I'm Serena Gay, a BBC-trained journalist and a former international satellite TV presenter.

I have many years of news and audio production experience which I now use to great effect as CEO of a podcast making company called "Made4U Podcasts".

I've  also helped run family businesses in the UK and Germany in the tourism and wine education fields.

So I understand the pressures on businesspeople to perform, promote and reach new and profitable streams of clients.

That's why these podcasts are short, pithy and full of information - not blather!


Facebook: @Made4uPodcasts
Facebook Group: @Podcasting Blueprint for Women Business Owners
Email: [email protected]

Why not download my guide to business podcasting -  it adds a great deal more detail to this podcast’s content.

P.S. I use and recommend podcast host Buzzsprout to new podcasters who want to  get their shows listed on every major podcast platform. You can use this link to sign up. If you choose a paid plan  you’ll get a $20 or a £15 Amazon gift card. This will also help support my show - so thank you!