We're back! This week, Mat and Cheeseburger Parks are joined by the band Koopa & Los Mysterios on their continuing journey through R Kelly's hip-hop dramedy, "Trapped in the Closet." In addition, we renew our love for Tron, even though his name is actually Twan.

We’re all trapped in the closet again! This week, Mat, Cheeseburger Parks, and Rock N Roll Andrew are joined by the band Koopa & Los Mysterios on their continuing journey through R Kelly’s hip-hop dramedy, “Trapped in the Closet.” In addition, we renew our love for Tron, even though his name is actually Twan.

Music Videos:

R Kelly – Trapped in the Closet Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Other Info:

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Koopa and Los Mysterios

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Andrew Leh on Twitter

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