06:00 – Hailey Rowe joins the podcast to discuss her entrepreneurial origin story, the first item she sold online and mentors who helped and inspired her along the way 

12:39 – Hailey reflects on how her resilience aided in her business success  

15:35 – Hailey points to a definitive moment of her early life that taught her a valuable lesson  

19:41 – Hailey’s entrepreneurial ‘Aha’ Moment and meaningful interactions she’s had with her clients

24:29 – Hailey talks about the inspiration behind and the format structure of her podcast, Health Coach Nation  

30:14 – Hailey speaks to her growth as a podcast host and interviewer  

39:26 – What is something that Hailey has changed her mind about recently and the most misunderstood thing about Hailey  

46:01 – Harry thanks Hailey for joining the show, and let’s listeners know where they can connect with her


“I’m a huge podcast junkie. I love people who talk about strategy and traits and characteristics – people like Dan Sullivan and Alex Charfen. But I also like the people who talk about what works online – like the Russell Brunsons of the world.” (11:39)

“I think that, if nothing else, entrepreneurship is the best personal development crash course you can possibly take.” (14:55)

“My theory in life is that if you can’t look back five years ago and ask, ‘What was I doing’ then you’re not living.” (17:27)

“Podcasts have probably taught me more than my education or any mentor. I am obsessed with podcasts.” (25:13)

“I think that value is not just in the information or the tactical stuff. Value, sometimes, is helping somebody be heard and understood and showing support to them.” (37:19)





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