06:00 – Harry welcomes to the podcast, Danielle Desir who shares her podcasting genesis story 

10:33 – Danielle’s galvanizing nature and struggles she overcame as a community organizer 

17:19 – The growth of WOC Podcasters

19:21 – The inspiration to start The Thought Card podcast 

23:02 – Danielle speaks to her love of travel and the top places she has visited 

27:24 – Danielle’s background and roots and how her circle of friends has changed over time 

33:06 – Danielle’s drive, motivation, and dreams 

37:16 – Breaking barriers as a woman of color and future goals for WOC Podcasters 

45:06 – What is something that Danielle has changed her mind about recently

46:32 – What is the most interesting thing about Danielle

47:07 – Harry thanks Danielle for joining the show and where listeners can follow Danielle


“It’s interesting because when I think about everything in retrospect, one of the questions in the application for Spotify bootcamp was, ‘What do you want to see different in the podcasting industry.’ And, my response to that question was, ‘I want to see a space where we can connect, and be together, and learn from each other.’ But I didn’t want to create the space, I wanted to be part of the space.”

“I just realized that, ya know what, I’m tired of me wanting to do something and me constantly being held back by fear of not having a partner or a cohost. And it really took the community that really pushed me into this [starting a podcast].”

“My travel style is very random. I really follow the flight deal. And that has led me to some really incredible places. I’ve been to Iceland three times. It’s top three by far and it’s because I found cheap flights there. So, I think if you’re open to seeing what comes up you’ll be really surprised at the places that you’ll really fall in love with.”

“I think since my podcast has launched a lot of people in my circle have been inspired to start their own podcasts.”

“Financial independence is definitely the biggest thing that I am working on and it also drives me to be more creative.”


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Danielle’s Podcast Website

Danielle’s WOC Podcasters Website

Danielle’s Twitter – @thethoughtcard

Danielle’s Instagram – @thethoughtcard

Danielle’s Facebook


What is the One Thing You Wish You Had Known Before You Started Your Podcast?

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