Today's episode of Podcast Insider is here to illuminate how a podcaster can grow their show. Every podcaster wants to know how they can expand their audience and reach; there are several tactics - new and old.

We hope you enjoy today’s episode of Podcast Insider; we’ve worked hard to ensure you get the best podcast knowledge. We’ll still be periodically having guests, so if you’re interested in being featured, reach out to the team.
Today’s Hosts: Mike Dell and MacKenzie Bennett
How to grow your podcast is the age-old question. We have a few tips that may help you get the word out there and to attract more listeners to grow your podcast audience.

Target Audience

Growing your audience is difficult if you don’t know who they are in the first place.
Stick to your topic and do it well.
Your niche will lead you to your people, don’t bother with trying to cater to the masses.

Be Where Your Potential Audience Is

Join Facebook groups, forums, and other social media groups around your subject of interest.
Comment on your topic on social media. Become well-known for being helpful (don’t just spam the groups)
Comment on news articles that apply to your topic. Again, be helpful and thoughtful, and don’t spam
Attend trade shows, conferences, and other events around your topic. It’s a great way to network with your given topic group and meet the movers and shakers in that area.

Search-ability (The dreaded SEO)

Have a website (as we push all the time)
Write articles that are not podcasts on your site to boost search traffic
Write good show notes (see our episode on that here)


Use what works for your audience. Get on TV or radio. A lot of local TV and Radio shows are looking for guests. Your podcast will get you to be the SME (Subject Matter Expert) on that topic.
Write articles for your newspaper (or any newspapers). Sometimes newspapers and news websites will take op-ed style articles. Many with links back to YOUR website and podcast.

Social Media Marketing

Work with other podcasters
Engage with your audience

It's fairly easy to grow your podcast audience with old traditional marketing and most importantly, word of mouth.

Got a subject you would like us to cover on the show, Drop an email to [email protected] (audio, text, video), and we may use it. You can also post a question on the Blubrry Podcasting Facebook group.
The best place for support with any Blubrry product or service is our ticket system ( Tickets give the whole team access rather than direct emails or calls.
Fill out our listener survey at

Schedule a one-on-one with Todd (hosting customers only). Email [email protected]
Schedule a tech checkup with Mike (hosting customers only). Email [email protected]
Send us your podcast sticker and a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) and we will send you a Blubrry care package.

Our mailing address:
Blubrry – MacKenzie
150 E. Campus View Blvd. #180
Columbus, Ohio 43235

Today’s episode of Podcast Insider is here to illuminate how a podcaster can grow their show. Every podcaster wants to know how they can expand their audience and reach; there are several tactics – new and old.

We hope you enjoy today’s episode of Podcast Insider; we’ve worked hard to ensure you get the best podcast knowledge. We’ll still be periodically having guests, so if you’re interested in being featured, reach out to the team.

Today’s Hosts: Mike Dell and MacKenzie Bennett

How to grow your podcast is the age-old question. We have a few tips that may help you get the word out there and to attract more listeners to grow your podcast audience.

Target Audience

Growing your audience is difficult if you don’t know who they are in the first place.
Stick to your topic and do it well.
Your niche will lead you to your people, don’t bother with trying to cater to the masses.

Be Where Your Potential Audience Is

Join Facebook groups, forums, and other social media groups around your subject of interest.
Comment on your topic on social media. Become well-known for being helpful (don’t just spam the groups)
Comment on news articles that apply to your topic. Again, be helpful and thoughtful, and don’t spam
Attend trade shows, conferences, and other events around your topic. It’s a great way to network with your given topic group and meet the movers and shakers in that area.

Search-ability (The dreaded SEO)

Have a website (as we push all the time)
Write articles that are not podcasts on your site to boost search traffic
Write good show notes (see our episode on that here)


Use what works for your audience. Get on TV or radio. A lot of local TV and Radio shows are looking for guests. Your podcast will get you to be the SME (Subject Matter Expert) on that topic.
Write articles for your newspaper (or any newspapers). Sometimes newspapers and news websites will take op-ed style articles. Many with links back to YOUR website and podcast.

Social Media Marketing

Work with other podcasters
Engage with your audience

It’s fairly easy to grow your podcast audience with old traditional marketing and most importantly, word of mouth.

Got a subject you would like us to cover on the show, Drop an email to [email protected] (audio, text, video), and we may use it. You can also post a question on the Blubrry Podcasting Facebook group.

The best place for support with any Blubrry product or service is our ticket system ( Tickets give the whole team access rather than direct emails or calls.

Fill out our listener survey at

Schedule a one-on-one with Todd (hosting customers only). Email [email protected]
Schedule a tech checkup with Mike (hosting customers only). Email [email protected]
Send us your podcast sticker and a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) and we will send you a Blubrry care package.

Our mailing address:

Blubrry – MacKenzie

150 E. Campus View Blvd. #180

Columbus, Ohio 43235