Previous Episode: Jake 'Spur' Carr
Next Episode: Sarah 'Tunes' Mowery

This week’s episode features a badass thruhiker who was on the AT at the same time as me. She hiked the AT in two LASH segments and I’ve interviewed one person from each of her tramilies! I’m so glad we got to connect. She had so much advice to pass on that I’m definitely going to implement in my own life. 

Tessa hiked the Appalachian Trail, the Long Trail, and the PCT. 

We talk about how it felt to prepare for her first thruhike on the AT versus the PCT. She hiked straight through the Sierras in a high snow pack year so, of course, we geeked out about that. We also touched on hiking alone, the heartache of looking back at thruhike photos, making a thruhike work for your budget and schedule, and leaving her trail family at the end of a LASH. 

The biggest takeaway from this episode for me, was the last 15 minutes. Tessa gave three incredible tips. Firstly, she mentioned her determination to be happy in ‘real life’ and on trail, instead of waiting for her thruhikes to be happy (which I am so guilty of). Secondly, she told me a phrase that she likes to use to keep herself in the moment, “literally nothing matters.” To me, this was something that used to give me an existential crisis with a side of hopelessness. But when she explained it to me her way, I felt like I should get it tattooed on my freaking arm! The last tip, you’ll have to hear on the epi. It’s about how she’s managed to do so many hikes and plans to do many more. 

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