
Messengers movie available for Pre-order at iTunes
Soundcloud is dying.  Run for your lives!  (really, make other plans if you are on soundcloud).
Audioboom makes deal with Deezer (or is it the other way around?)


Q: Why is XXX (Blubrry, Libsyn, Spreaker) so much more expensive than Soundcloud?

A: Because, businesses that host podcasts have to buy bandwidth.  Bandwidth costs money.  If you charge less than it costs you and don’t make a profit, the business won't stay in business.  This is why Free or cheap hosting will never be a long term plan.  If a company charges enough to make themselves a profit, they will stay in business.  Simple as that.  Soundcloud spent more money than they took in for a long time and it’s now catching up with them.  There have been 100’s of free or cheap hosting companies come and go over the years. Unless you enjoy changing hosts every so often, pick one that has been around for a while, not one that just started and seems too good to be true.


Do you do too many podcasts?
 - I know I *try* to do too many. It normally doesn't work out.
Do you have too complicated of a website?
 - I can't stress enough the importance of having a clean, easy website for your podcast. Too many times I go to someones "podcast" website and I can't find their podcast. Not only does it make it hard for listeners, but it makes it hard for the podcaster to maintain.

Blubrry Tip :

PowerPress Sites Deluxe
 is up and running. It's a no-worry WordPress Site, for your podcast, that you do not have to do updates, security and it won't go down. Try it free for a month at use the promo code HELPDESK
Your Podcast by Blubrry - Blubrry's podcast about the podcasting business, tips for your podcast and some inside blubrry information. Every other week at

Also check out the PowerPress Podcast with MacKenzie and her guest hosts along with a PowerPress tip from Shawn every other week.


I am working on an Amazon Alexa Skill for Podcast Help Desk News that you will be able to add to your flash briefing in Alexa. It will be a 1-2 minute tip or news item from the world of podcasting. ( Yes, I'm a glutton for punishment ) It's just something I'm playing with. Stay tuned!


Messengers movie available for Pre-order at iTunes
Soundcloud is dying.  Run for your lives!  (really, make other plans if you are on soundcloud).
Audioboom makes deal with Deezer (or is it the other way around?)


Q: Why is XXX (Blubrry, Libsyn, Spreaker) so much more expensive than Soundcloud?

A: Because, businesses that host podcasts have to buy bandwidth.  Bandwidth costs money.  If you charge less than it costs you and don’t make a profit, the business won’t stay in business.  This is why Free or cheap hosting will never be a long term plan.  If a company charges enough to make themselves a profit, they will stay in business.  Simple as that.  Soundcloud spent more money than they took in for a long time and it’s now catching up with them.  There have been 100’s of free or cheap hosting companies come and go over the years. Unless you enjoy changing hosts every so often, pick one that has been around for a while, not one that just started and seems too good to be true.


Do you do too many podcasts?
 – I know I *try* to do too many. It normally doesn’t work out.
Do you have too complicated of a website?
 – I can’t stress enough the importance of having a clean, easy website for your podcast. Too many times I go to someones “podcast” website and I can’t find their podcast. Not only does it make it hard for listeners, but it makes it hard for the podcaster to maintain.

Blubrry Tip :

PowerPress Sites Deluxe
 is up and running. It’s a no-worry WordPress Site, for your podcast, that you do not have to do updates, security and it won’t go down. Try it free for a month at use the promo code HELPDESK
Your Podcast by Blubrry – Blubrry’s podcast about the podcasting business, tips for your podcast and some inside blubrry information. Every other week at

Also check out the PowerPress Podcast with MacKenzie and her guest hosts along with a PowerPress tip from Shawn every other week.


I am working on an Amazon Alexa Skill for Podcast Help Desk News that you will be able to add to your flash briefing in Alexa. It will be a 1-2 minute tip or news item from the world of podcasting. ( Yes, I’m a glutton for punishment ) It’s just something I’m playing with. Stay tuned!