I was on the Powerpress Podcast this week. Listen to that here: http://powerpresspodcast.com

I’m going to be speaking at Converge South 2015 at Wake Forest University next Friday. There will likely NOT be an episode.

This episode is a bit Blubrry Heavy (as you can imagine)


I got a chance to have a conversation with Todd Cochrane who is my boss at Rawvoice / Blubrry. Todd is a hall of fame podcaster, CEO of Rawvoice Inc (parent company of blubrry.com) and executive producer of Geek News Central (which I write for and will have a new show on coming soon!).

You can follow Todd and GNC on Twitter @geeknews and find his main website at GeekNewsCentral.com


Use Promo code HELPDESK at checkout for a free month of anything blubrry.com sells.

I was on the Powerpress Podcast this week. Listen to that here: http://powerpresspodcast.com

I’m going to be speaking at Converge South 2015 at Wake Forest University next Friday. There will likely NOT be an episode.

This episode is a bit Blubrry Heavy (as you can imagine)


I got a chance to have a conversation with Todd Cochrane who is my boss at Rawvoice / Blubrry. Todd is a hall of fame podcaster, CEO of Rawvoice Inc (parent company of blubrry.com) and executive producer of Geek News Central (which I write for and will have a new show on coming soon!).

You can follow Todd and GNC on Twitter @geeknews and find his main website at GeekNewsCentral.com


Use Promo code HELPDESK at checkout for a free month of anything blubrry.com sells.