1. Never Promote something you do not own.   Send people to your website and then give them all the choices you can reasonably.

Apple 🍎
Google Podcasts
 (notice I didn't say Google PLAY‽) 💻

2. Having your RSS feed come from your website with YOUR domain in it will help you in Google search.

3. "Write your show notes for Google Search.  Make your show audio for your listeners." - Todd Cochrane 🚒

4. Don’t try to game the system.  The more you try to game the system, the more likely it is you will get removed from some directories for whatever rule violation.  Just make good content and repeat often. There is no shortcut.

5. Ratings and reviews DO NOTHING to promote your show.  Period.

6. Being in the top XX list on Apple Podcasts will not help you much if at all.

Please use the promo code HELPDESK at checkout at Blubrry.com to support Podcast Help Desk!

1. Never Promote something you do not own.   Send people to your website and then give them all the choices you can reasonably.

Apple 🍎
Google Podcasts
 (notice I didn’t say Google PLAY‽) 💻

2. Having your RSS feed come from your website with YOUR domain in it will help you in Google search.

3. “Write your show notes for Google Search.  Make your show audio for your listeners.” – Todd Cochrane 🚒

4. Don’t try to game the system.  The more you try to game the system, the more likely it is you will get removed from some directories for whatever rule violation.  Just make good content and repeat often. There is no shortcut.

5. Ratings and reviews DO NOTHING to promote your show.  Period.

6. Being in the top XX list on Apple Podcasts will not help you much if at all.

Please use the promo code HELPDESK at checkout at Blubrry.com to support Podcast Help Desk!